
Day one: work experience no. Three

Hey guys,

Yesterday I started my third work experience which will continue on every Wednesday for the next 6 weeks. Here's what I got up to:

I arrived at 9:50 am, ten minutes early. When I arrived I found the manager. She then introduced me to all the workers and showed me around the cafe. She brought me to the cloak room, lunch room and kitchen. She then brought me over to one of the counters and showed me what to do. I learnt how to make the different types of coffee and tea orders, and how to present them. I got to work taking orders from customers and getting them soup, tea, coffee and the occasional sandwich from the display.

After no time I was sent on my break and met some more workers while in the lunch room. I was told that I am allowed as much food and whatever food I want for lunch from the cafe's selection(yaaay). I got back to work and was called into the kitchen to work with another one of the workers. She got me working cutting up lemons. The kitchen is huge and is full of chefs cooking for the restaurant & cafe. You must wear a net over your hair each time you enter the kitchen for health reasons. I then went back out and continued to work with different girls throughout the day. Everybody was lovely and really friendly with me. I also stocked up on bread when it went low and kept the counter looking neat & tidy. For lunch I grabbed some food from the cafe and spent another 30 minutes in the lunch room, meeting new people.

While pouring soup for one customer I managed to badly burn my hand. I told one of the girls and immediately I was brought a burn treatment for my hand and told to relax in the lunch room for 20 minutes until it went down. They were all lovely about it and it seemed like everybody I talked to had burnt their hand with the soup on their first days too. Nearing the end of the day I helped to clean the outer counters and one of the food fridges. I then finished my day at 5:00 pm. It was a great day and already has been my favourite day of all the work experiences so far.

Till next week,


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